Patreon Request Stream Sketches

Today I did my monthly Sketch Request Stream for Patreon Supporters. The theme was “Bunnies.”

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Here’s a bunch of quickies for St.  Patrick’s Day. Some colored (some partially colored) sketches to celebrate.

Ruby from The Thrills of Victory

Babs Brando from Good Vibes

The Bimboozler from The Thrills of Victory

Maddie from The Double D Ranch


Patty and Lorraine from The Book Club

Request Stream Sketch Cards

Yesterday I did a sketch request stream as a sort of early Christmas gift to viewers and Patrons. I ended up streaming for almost 6 hours, with a total of 17 sketches done.

  1. Olivia van der Meer (OC)
  2. Randi (OC)
  3. Daisy (OC)
  4. Margaret Wade
  5. Brandy Harrington
  6. Maddie Brisbane (OC)
  7. Patty Collins (OC)
  8. Sam Manson
  9. Vintage Grandma Beverly (OC)

  1. Aunt Barbara (OC)
  2. Sheeva
  3. Debbie Hyman
  4. Tinkerbell
  5. Veronica
  6. Vicky
  7. Roberta Tubbs
  8. Sylendil (OC)