The public release of Book Club Bonus Chapters #4. The full comic has been available for Patreon Supporters for quite a while now. If you want to see the full thing including high resolution versions of every page plus multiple alternate versions of the cover, you can become a Patreon Supporter.
Catalina’s full service show
Catalina puts on a show with some help.
Another one of my “just drawing whatever I feel like” pin-ups. I wanted to try to do something with this pose and not showing faces but still get a lot of fun action shots.
There are 8 versions of this pics showing different interactions, but I’m only posting 4 here. The other 4 are available on Patreon.
Book Club Bonus Chapters #4 – Page 12
The public release of Book Club Bonus Chapters #4. The full comic has been available for Patreon Supporters for quite a while now. If you want to see the full thing including high resolution versions of every page plus multiple alternate versions of the cover, you can become a Patreon Supporter.
Sabrina rewards Austin [Canon]
Sabrina gives Austin his reward for doing well in the big game.
I thought I’d use some of this experimental time to go back and do some Canon pin-ups for things that I don’t think I’ll ever get around to in the comics.
Multiple alternate versions on Patreon.
Meiling in the curtains
Meiling Yang hiding behind a sheer curtain.
Another random pin-up mainly done because I wanted to experiment a bit with a lineless soft hazy look of a body shown through a curtain.
Alternate versions with various experimentation of the opacity curtains and strength of the shadows available on Patreon.
Book Club Bonus Chapters #4 – Page 11
The public release of Book Club Bonus Chapters #4. The full comic has been available for Patreon Supporters for quite a while now. If you want to see the full thing including high resolution versions of every page plus multiple alternate versions of the cover, you can become a Patreon Supporter.
Nonna Stella puts ’em on the glass
Nonna Stella Lombardo (Patty’s mom) giving the neighborhood a nice view.
This was another pin-up where I was just drawing whatever I felt like at the moment. No polls, no plans.
Multiple alternate versions available on Patreon.
Book Club Bonus Chapters #4 – Page 10
The public release of Book Club Bonus Chapters #4. The full comic has been available for Patreon Supporters for quite a while now. If you want to see the full thing including high resolution versions of every page plus multiple alternate versions of the cover, you can become a Patreon Supporter.
Book Club beach asses
Update on what’s going on for the next bit
Due to some unfortunate and unforeseen difficulties, I was unable to draw for a while following the conclusion of BCBC 5. I’m trying to get back into the groove, but I don’t feel up to tackling a new comic at the moment as I shake the rust off.
So, what I have decided to do is pause comic production for a little bit and just kinda vibe on drawing for a while. I’m just gonna draw whatever as inspiration strikes in the moment without any grand plans.