Trilla Suduri from Star Wars Fallen Order and Lady Victory from Thrills of Victory.
By Commission.
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Each month I take a few ideas from my Suggestion Box on Patreon and sketch them. These were the sketches from August. These sketches are currently in a poll and the winner will get inked and colored.
If you want to submit your own ideas into the Suggestion Box, you can become a Patreon Supporter.
Penelope Valentine dominated by Trilla Suduri.
Star Wars Fallen Order and Thrills of Victory crossover
Patreon Supporter Reward
Star Wars Fallen Order and Thrills of Victory crossover Penelope Valentine dominated by Trilla Suduri.
Inks for an earlier sketch.
Patreon Supporter Reward
Star Wars Fallen Order and Thrills of Victory crossover Penelope Valentine dominated by Trilla Suduri. Digital Inks and colors for an earlier sketch.
Patreon Supporter Reward
Star Wars Fallen Order and Thrills of Victory crossover Penelope Valentine dominated by Trilla Suduri.
Digital Inks for an earlier sketch.
Patreon Supporter Reward
Lady Victory (aka Lucy Valentine) dominated by Trilla Suduri.
Star Wars Fallen Order and Thrills of Victory crossover
Patreon Supporter Reward.
Star Wars Fallen Order and Thrills of Victory crossover Penelope Valentine dominated by Trilla Suduri.
Patreon Supporter Reward.
Trilla Suduri dominating Penelope Valentine. A crossover between Star Wars Fallen Order and my Original Comic Thrills of Victory.
Patreon Supporter Reward.