Limited Commission Slots open

I have decided to open 3 commission slots. I will be handling these slots in the same way I did for my last round of commissions.

Since the slots are more limited than in the past, I will not be doing first come, first served. Instead, I’ll keep the submissions open until this upcoming Tuesday (Feb. 22), and I will select the three commissions I am most interested in working on.

If you are interested in a commission, fill out the form using the link below. If your commission request is selected, I will be in contact with you regarding further details.

Fill out the Commission Request Form Here.

New Games Patreon

For anyone who may be interested in me creating new games, I have launched a brand new Patreon to support the production of new content.

Why a second Patreon? Because the money from the new Patreon will be used to pay others to help me with things like programming the games. I will still be working on the story and art, but I can’t also do the programming side of things, and this is the only way to be able to fund that and get new game stuff happening.

There is only one tier for support, and that is $5 USD. There will be early access game builds as well as art files as I am working on them in the game. And polls to help decide what to work on next.

If you are interested in joining and helping support, check out this link:

Comic Updates moving forward

Moving forward, I am changing the way I will be updating and sharing comic pages. Only the color versions will be shared publicly (thanks to flats by JoeMangini) and the black and white versions will be Patreon exclusives posted a few days before the color pages go live.

Pencils, Inks and Textless versions of the pages, as well as High Resolution versions of all of these will be Patreon Exclusives still. But now Patrons will get to see the black and white versions of the pages early!

After LFM 3, what’s next?

I just wanted to let you all know what my plans are after LFM3 wraps up. Originally I had planned on doing a mini-comic next. I have decided instead, I will be going back and getting full colors for Double D Ranch Indian Affairs. I already have the flat colors from JoeMangini done, but it’s going to take a bit of work on my part to get them ready for posting.

I will probably spend a week or two getting all these ready, about the same amount of time as I would have spend doing a 4 page mini-comic. I’d love to do both the mini comic and the colors for Indian Affairs, but its just too much work to do simultaneously. And rather than do both back to back and delay the start of the next comic, I’d rather just get those pages fully finished.

After the colors for that are done and posted, I will be starting Issue 1 of “Getting Randi.”

I plan on having some streams where I work on some sketches and character designs for some of the new characters that will be appearing in that comic and I welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have for character looks for some college aged guys and gals to join Randi in her new comic.

Catching up

Hey guys. I know I have been pretty scarce. I’ve been pretty sick lately, as mentioned in my previous announcement post.  I think I’m starting to feel a bit better. Unfortunately due to my illness and my very hectic month last month, I’m pretty far behind on things.

So, I’ve decided that the best way to move forward right now is to temporarily suspend comic pages and focus entirely on the sketches, colors and pin-up stuff until I can catch up.

Once I am caught up with things, the current issue of Thrills will resume with its normal update schedule.

Announcement: Future Comic Plans

After a lot of thought, I’ve come to a decision regarding my plans for comics moving forward. I’ve decided that for right now its best for me to simply focus on my Original Character comics. So, following The Book Club Chapter 4 ending in mid September, I will roll right into another Original Comic.

I have a lot of personal comic projects with plotlines laid out I would really like to work on, The Book Club, Lost Fortunes Mercenaries, Thrills of Victory, Double D Ranch, as well as short comic ideas for Randi and other original characters. Right now, I feel like every parody comic is simply pushing those stories farther and farther into the future at the cost of producing pages for comics I have very little investment or interest in. So, instead of taking time between OC comics to work on Parody comics, I’m going to just keep working on my OC comics. I’ll still be doing 2 comic pages a week, and I will most likely alternate between longer form comics (like LFM and Book Club) and shorter ones.

Another idea that I am considering is mini-comics, 1-3 page comics that aren’t as plot driven and let me get some comic love for characters that may not have as much feature time in the main titles.  This will be more of a toss in thing, between comics, or if I need a brief intermission for long forms. I’ll just have to feel these out as we go.

This will have no effect on the Parody Sketch Requests or Parody Polls for inks and colors, those will continue as usual.

TLDR: After Book Club there will be another Original Comic, no Parody comics for the foreseeable future.