Announcement: Future Comic Plans

After a lot of thought, I’ve come to a decision regarding my plans for comics moving forward. I’ve decided that for right now its best for me to simply focus on my Original Character comics. So, following The Book Club Chapter 4 ending in mid September, I will roll right into another Original Comic.

I have a lot of personal comic projects with plotlines laid out I would really like to work on, The Book Club, Lost Fortunes Mercenaries, Thrills of Victory, Double D Ranch, as well as short comic ideas for Randi and other original characters. Right now, I feel like every parody comic is simply pushing those stories farther and farther into the future at the cost of producing pages for comics I have very little investment or interest in. So, instead of taking time between OC comics to work on Parody comics, I’m going to just keep working on my OC comics. I’ll still be doing 2 comic pages a week, and I will most likely alternate between longer form comics (like LFM and Book Club) and shorter ones.

Another idea that I am considering is mini-comics, 1-3 page comics that aren’t as plot driven and let me get some comic love for characters that may not have as much feature time in the main titles.  This will be more of a toss in thing, between comics, or if I need a brief intermission for long forms. I’ll just have to feel these out as we go.

This will have no effect on the Parody Sketch Requests or Parody Polls for inks and colors, those will continue as usual.

TLDR: After Book Club there will be another Original Comic, no Parody comics for the foreseeable future.