Strip Blackjack now available

Today I posted the first build of a brand new Strip Blackjack style game featuring my OCs from The Double D Ranch.

The game is in development and this build is available to download for all Patreon Supporters at


New Games Patreon

For anyone who may be interested in me creating new games, I have launched a brand new Patreon to support the production of new content.

Why a second Patreon? Because the money from the new Patreon will be used to pay others to help me with things like programming the games. I will still be working on the story and art, but I can’t also do the programming side of things, and this is the only way to be able to fund that and get new game stuff happening.

There is only one tier for support, and that is $5 USD. There will be early access game builds as well as art files as I am working on them in the game. And polls to help decide what to work on next.

If you are interested in joining and helping support, check out this link: