Comic Updates moving forward

Moving forward, I am changing the way I will be updating and sharing comic pages. Only the color versions will be shared publicly (thanks to flats by JoeMangini) and the black and white versions will be Patreon exclusives posted a few days before the color pages go live.

Pencils, Inks and Textless versions of the pages, as well as High Resolution versions of all of these will be Patreon Exclusives still. But now Patrons will get to see the black and white versions of the pages early!

Inconsistent Schedule for a bit

Things are going to be really unpredictable for me for a while.  I won’t really be able to maintain quite the same consistent schedule I’ve tried to achieve for these past few years.  I really want to draw more, but my time will just be very limited. I’ll do what I can, when I can, I won’t be able to maintain the same update schedule with comics and such.

And unfortunately I have no idea of how long exactly this unpredictability will last.

I’ll keep you updated when I know something more.

Catching up

Hey guys. I know I have been pretty scarce. I’ve been pretty sick lately, as mentioned in my previous announcement post.  I think I’m starting to feel a bit better. Unfortunately due to my illness and my very hectic month last month, I’m pretty far behind on things.

So, I’ve decided that the best way to move forward right now is to temporarily suspend comic pages and focus entirely on the sketches, colors and pin-up stuff until I can catch up.

Once I am caught up with things, the current issue of Thrills will resume with its normal update schedule.